Hello! I hope Juice January is going well. During the holidays, I went to visit my good friend Diane. She had a houseful of relatives running around which was fun, festive, and a bit chaotic; just the way I like it.Diane's sister, Jane, was making her juice for everyone, and of course, put a glass down in front of me. I took a big sip and was thrilled to find it was incredible. Delicious, fresh, and green. I asked Jane what was in it, and she quickly rattled off the ingredients and let me know that she juices everyday. Of course it was a no brainer to add her to the roster for Juice January. So here she is:Jane Zalutsky is fun full of energy...probably from her devote juice habit. Read about Jane here.I think you will love her juice recipes, but mainly you will love her juice philosophy; it certainly spoke to me.  I will be posting 2 of her recipes, one orange and one green, one this week and one next week. Give them a try and leave your comments for us below. We would love to hear what you think and how your January Juicing regime is going.Take it away, Jane:I start my day thinking about color. Is it an orange day or a green day? Sometimes it’s pink or pale chartreuse. But mostly it’s orange or green. And then it’s about trusting my intuition, what’s in the house, what’s local and in season, and what’s the essence of freshness? Starting my day this way is relaxing and stress relieving. So here are the basics.Orange juice always* has:- 1 peeled lemon- 2”-3” chunk of ginger- 2-4 oranges, peeled- 4-6 carrots- 1-2 apples (any red variety)- 1”-2” chunk fresh turmeric root*For those of you using a Nutribullet, add 1 cup of water and reduce the ingredients by 1/2 since the capacity in a Nutribullet is smaller. Jane uses a Breville Juicer.And sometimes I add:- Papaya, peeled- Sweet potato- Cantaloupe melonThanks Jane! xx


Color + Intuition = Daily Juice Meditation 2


Creating the Perfect Workspace with Staples.