Design and Fame...and Facebook

I have to say it. although you all know I love the blogasphere + design...sometimes...being online is like being on design crack. I like many other designers, stylists or editors and lifestlye experts am online a fair amount, blogging (right now) blurping, tweeting and expounding the on latest trends, gurus and fixes and online finds, other blogs you get the picture.

Most times I feel like I am following fearless and fearful leaders down the path of the latest and great design trends via Face book and twitter, trendy blogs.. so fast that it is sometimes dismissive.
(and sometimes I am downright running down that path) Love them hate them...all these outlets seem to dictate whats hip , what you should like, how you should decorate and LIVE? right?

I tried a little experiment. I posted Johnathan Adlers kooky digs on my facebook page , with a comment something to the effect that~ 

"I would kill myself if had had to live in his funked out over done, ode to whimsy and pee wee herman's childrens TV show.. home"

My opinion of course, but once I set the bait.. it was an immediate strike I got my fish... boy did I have a response, I mean immediate. Some people had such a knee jerk reaction, I mean seconds, that they pulled their FB comment off almost instantly. ( as not to be embarrassed or associated I suppose)

So what does all this mean? To me it all goes back to design magazines, sitting and reading in the comfort of your own chair (one you picked and like) where the instant is taken out of the equation and where we as designers can think about and then discuss the differences in taste and why some things work or move us a certain way. Maybe I need to slow it down.

There's room of course for both. I just think people get a little intense about the blogsphere face book and twitter, which makes me weigh whether I need a break.... I am about to work on a huge social media event in December~ I love all the tweeps and my fans and of course adore my blog and all my followers...

But I see how intense people get about Face book, checking it 100 times per day, guilty! So maybe for the next few weeks, I need a break, because I feel I have fallen into the trap and can't break loose from  my online design life.  SO bare with me as I pull myself off the FB pages and Twitter~sphere for a bit. Nothing against it I just need a little air, and break from the design knee jerk opinions, including my own. I have been on Face book one year, 1200+ fans later...I need a break.

Ciao for now~ I'll be back...xo for those of you that know me well, drop me a line or better come over for an espresso and we can talk about design books,magazines your latest project, and your latest vacation...and what the kids are up to.

Of course I am posting this, one last post for awhile.... xo


Southern Flourish Magazine~


here is the answer to the requests for my pantry essentials list I published last year~