The other day I was looking at my instagram feed and saw my pals at Sling Shot Coffee posted a pic of espresso caramel sauce over ice cream. I was instantly reminded of the time I made something similar for friends in Italy last summer. That photo totally made me want to make it again! Here's a quick and easy recipe for all you coffee lovers out there. I like mine on gelato, but this caramel topping is great on almost everything, especially chocolate desserts.
Espresso Caramel Sauce:serves 6 to 8 on ice cream or pound cakeYou will need:- 1 cup sugar- 1 shot of espresso- 1 cup of heavy cream

Place sugar in a small sauce pan on medium heat.

Watch the sugar carefully, with a silicone spatula brush down the sides of the pan until combined and the sugar turns a deep amber color.

Pull the caramel off the heat and add the espresso while stirring until combined, it will bubble and spit this is normal. Next add cream very gradually while stirring the entire time until combined. If there are any lumps don't worry they will melt once you put it back on the heat.To Finish: Place the pan of caramel back on low heat, stirring continually until the caramel starts to slowly bubble
not boil. This takes about 3 minutes.Pull from the heat and place into a glass or ceramic container with a spout, place in the fridge until you're ready to use.
Warning: With all hot sugar be extremely careful so as not to burn yourself. If you've ever burned yourself with hot sugar you know it's very dangerous. This is not an activity for children.