Events this week

AnnetteHope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving celebrating with friends and family. I loved having my kids home and our dear friends from Italy flew in to celebrate with us. We took them to all of our favorite spots in Atlanta (you can see some of them on instagram).After all that relaxing it's time to get back to my book tour and I am recharged and excited! This week is jam-packed with fabulous events + book signings. Tuesday I will kick things off in Houston for their Design Center's 6th Annual Deck the Tables Kick-Off Party. On Wednesday I'll be at Mitchell Gold Bob Williams in Dallas. I will be putting on a table top demonstration with tips for how to entertain during the holidays. On thursday I'll be back home in Atlanta for Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles Magazine's "Holiday House Sip 'n' Sign." Ending the week in the city of angels. Friday night I'll be mixing and mingling at a cocktail party and book signing sponsored by Adorno Magazine and Egg & Dart Home in LA. Saturday I'll be hosting a floral workshop from 12-1 with a book signing to follow. More details here! Hope to meet some of you in person.Looking forward to all of your amazing questions and to chatting about all things food & entertaining!Adorno_NovemberNew_Annete_Joseph_MailChimp_5.1


holiday office party tips and tricks part deux

