As many of you already know, we are renovating a medieval fortress in Lunigiana. It's a region so close to Liguria, but considered Toscana. Close to Carrara, (where the marble is from) and only a few hours north of Florence, 1 hour from Parma; it's sort of the perfect location. The best part is that it's not a major tourist destination which makes it authentic and uncrowded. The very best part is that the flea markets and antique vendors have tons of amazing goods not yet picked through like major shopping destinations. You can still find unique items at great prices. Of course, NO English is spoken, you can only bargin in Italian which makes it all that much more fun, and of course lively.The last couple of weeks, I have been dealing with the start of our BIG fortress renovation, plus purchasing the furnishings and finishes. We took a little break from the nuts and bolts of the reno and headed out for a wonderful roadside adventure: flea marketing along the coastline of Italy.Only 45 minutes away on side roads (1/2 hour via the autostrada), we wound up at a treasure trove of goodies. I hunt with my BFF Forrest (he's also part of Style Photo Workshops Team) and his boyfriend who's the best picker I have ever encountered, and he happens to be an Italian prince, so his taste is off the chain. As we entered the joint, 14 chairs leaned against the wall - metal folding chairs that - I snatched them up for the Workshop Studio. Then Forrest headed one way, I headed another, and the Prince headed to the garden. Quickly I heard Roberto call out, "Annette come into the garden" (in Italian of course). In the darkest corner of the garden, I found him pointing at an iron bed. Headboard and footboard with delicate swirls. "The bed is complete," he said. "All the nuts and bolts and frame are here." "Fantastic," I said. "It's the perfect size for the guest bedroom." We found it priced well, too. All we need to do is build a frame for the mattress. Old beds do not have the stability for a mattress since the mattress that most likely fit this bed was made of straw like a giant pillow. Good thing I have a great iron artisan at my disposal here in Italy.As I get to know my new neighborhood in Italy, these flea markets are the perfect place to take our workshop attendees next summer. I will be continuing my tour of flea markets over the next months with my impeccable tour guides. Indeed I am a lucky girl.I invite you to follow along on my Italian Renovation adventure on instagram.Happy hunting xx


Picture Perfect Thanksgiving Starter: Squash Soup


Our Renovation in Tuscany, and the Most Important Person in the World