Football Field Table Runner

FootballFieldTableRunnerOf course a picture perfect party isn't complete without fabulous table decor. This easy DIY football field table runner will have your guests ooh-ing and ahh-ing at your decorating skills. The chalk lines add great texture to the runner and will make a great backdrop for your food. For more football themed party ideas, be sure to grab my book, Picture Perfect Parties.

Football Field Table Runner

You will need:- 1 (2-foot-width) piece of 1/4 inch-thic natural veneer, the length of the table you intend to use- green chalkboard paint- paint roller- small paint pan- soft cloth- straight edge ruler- sidewalk chalkDirections:Paint one side of the board and allow it to dry (it may need 2 coats). Once the paint dries, prime the board using a piece of white chalk, and covering the board in broad strokes. With a soft cloth, rub most of the chalk off the board creating a soft chalky look. With a straight edge ruler and a piece of white idewalk chalk, draw evenly spaced lines creating a football field effect. Place in the center of the buffet table for display.


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