Today we have the lovely Amy Azzarito with us. Amy is
Grace Bonney's right-hand woman and serves as the managing editor of
Design*Sponge. She graduated from the Parsons/Cooper-Hewitt with a Master's in the History of Decorative Arts and Design. She's published on diverse topics such as the evolution of French cuisine for Paris-New York: Design Fashion Culture, 1925-1940 and an essay about hand built homes in late 1960s as part of the countercultural movement for West of Center: Art and the Counterculture Experiment in American Art, 1965-1977. She recently finished her first book,
Past and Present, a book that translates topics of design history into a present-day craft projects and is based on her Design*Sponge column.1.Who would you want to play you in a movie?Lindsay Lohan. I hear she's good to work with.2.I wish I could...Go to India! I'm a yoga fanatic and I'd love to go visit the birthplace of yoga. Aside from the yoga, I think Indian culture is extremely beautiful, and I'd love to go just for the colors.3.My first style memory is…One of my strongest style memories is of decorating my teenage bedroom. I picked a mauve paint for the walls, there was a floral border, a white iron daybed, floral bedroom and framed Monet print. It was very girly!4.I could not live with out my....My kitties! I have two Russian Blue cats, Loki and Freya. I think they are very talented. They know how to high five, how to shake and how to give me a kiss.5.I could live without...Bills.My current obsession is this
skull bracelet:
I've been eying it for months. I love jewelry that you never have to take off and I could imagine wearing this 24/7. Plus I love that it's a little skull - so unexpected!
photo of Amy by Ellen Silverman