For Your Style I'd Walk a Mile with Ashley Woodson Bailey

Today I have Ashley Woodson Bailey of the Byrd Collective with us. You may remember Ashley from my "Cocktail of the Week" series. Her drink, The Corpus Christian, was one of my favorites for sure. Love her spunk and passion. She's a cool chick. Not only is Ashley the creative director of the Byrd Collective but she is also mother to her daughter Byrd and son Woods, stepmother to her stepson Lane, and wife to her husband Brad. She is an obsessive creator of beauty with a varied design background including a strong focus on floral and event design. The Byrd Collective offers creative direction, styling and floral design, as well as just about anything else you allow your mind to envision. The Byrd Collective is based in Atlanta, Georgia... by way of Austin, Texas. Take it away, Ashley!1.Who would you want to play you in a movie?Maggie Gyllenhaal-all day, every day-since forever.2. I wish I could... work with Tim Walker.3. My first style memory...when I was little-let’s say 4, I had long, wavy bohemian hair to my waist that was difficult to manage, so my mom took me the hair salon to ask them for guidance. They proceeded to give me the classic Dorothy Hamill bowl cut - my hair hasn’t been past my shoulders since.4. I could not live without... my family and my friends.5. I could live without... pain.Pick a photo that defines your style:
Rachel Niffenegger’s work embodies all that I love-fiber, paint, color, glitter, shine, texture, flowers, and movement. This work looks like the aftermath of my events-yum.head shot taken by ginny branch


Food Friday {gelato, Milan style}


Monday Design Inspiration {Zara Home,Milan}