Camille's passion for modern, stress-free entertaining has made her a sought-after event designer, as well as an expert in lifestyle and design to readers around the globe. As the founder and creative director of
camillestyles.com, she shares the creative entertaining ideas that inspire her parties and her life with hundreds of thousands of readers every month. On the event design side of the company, Camille Styles Events, her team brings creativity, expertise and an eye for innovative design to each of its clients, allowing them to entertain in high style and create an unforgettable experience for their guests. The girl has great taste and I'm totally with her on the surfing. Never say never...1.Who would you want to play you in a movie?Natalie Portman (this is a fantasy, right?!) She’s gorgeous, smart and her style is the perfect blend of quirky and classic.2.I wish I could...Surf. I’d love a daily workout that meant starting every morning at the beach, and those surfer girls always have the coolest style (and best bodies!)3.My first style memory is…Piling on the long necklaces, feather boas, lacy nighties and glittery heels from my treasure trove of “dress up” clothes when I was 3.4.I could not live with out my....Chanel lipgloss, MiH Jeans, Wellies in the winter and Havaianas in the summer.5.I could live without...Dark nail polish and Uggs.Pick a photo that defines your style:I could wear a version of this outfit (white shorts, striped tee, wedges) every single day.
