Erin Gates is a Boston based interior stylist and writer. She started her own company, Element Interiors, after finding that there was a hugely under-serviced market of young professionals who desired affordable, flexible design help. In conjunction with her business, she began writing a daily blog,
Elements of Style, focusing on budget friendly design, style inspirations and decorating tips and trends. I'm excited to have her on the blog today!1.Who would you want to play you in a movie?I love Rachel McAdams- I feel like she has the emotional swing to play a complete basket case like myself- joking and goofy one minute, hysterical the next. My husband says Anne Hathaway because he thinks I look like her- but I find her too annoying and I hope I’m not that smug.2.I wish I could...not worry as much as I do. It’s quite a problem for me, I fret about every little thing under the sun- for myself and my clients! It makes me good at what I do but at a price! Other than that, I really wish I could sing well. I would give anything to be able to sing “On My Own” from Les Mis like a pro!3.My first style memory is…a tie between my white leather fringe cowboy boots that I thought were the most magical things I’d ever put on my feet or my Laura Ashley covered bedroom in which the wallpaper, balloon shades and duvetall matched. I have a lot of them though, growing up in the fashion and design world!4.I could not live with out my....dogs. I adore them more than life itself and nothing has the ability to soothe me or make me smile like my little monsters. My computer is a close second- I owe a lot to the internet- my blog, book deal, longclient list and even my husband (Match.com!)5.I could live without...Honey Boo Boo and the fact that America has made her a “star”. Ditto to the Kardashians. Also cranberry colored dining room walls. UGH.Pick a photo or décor objet, or piece of clothing that defines your style.My personal style is ALL over the board- I love serene monochromatic rooms and also bright bold crazy ones. It’s so hard to pick one so here are two rooms the represent the schizophrenic sense of style I have!
Thanks, Erin!