I am so happy to have the lovely Grace Bonney kicking off my new series this year: For Your Style I'd Walk a Mile. Who better than the creator of
Design Sponge?! Design Sponge is one of my all-time favorite blogs and the first blog I ever followed probably 8 years ago. I remember sending the link to one of the editors at Better Homes and Gardens, and writing "have you seen this?" Grace is truly the original lifestyle blogger, and was my go to resource for many years. She's a visionary and an innovator, a true trail blazer. Sort of the Steve Jobs of the blogosphere. So of course I am honored to have her on my blog and to call her a friend. I've been lucky enough to be a contributor for the site as well. You can see those posts
here.I'll be asking the same five questions to all sorts of amazing creatives all year long. Enjoy!1.Who would you want to play you in a movie?Reese Witherspoon. She’s small and Southern and seems like such a nice person. But I wish I was chic enough to have someone like Marion Cottilard play me.2.I wish I could...Adopt more rescue animals. I’m a huge huge animal person and always lament not having a large enough space to rescue more animals.3.My first style memory is…Being made to wear a Laura Ashley floral jumper to the first day of 4th grade in a new school. As it turns out, everyone at this new school wore cool skate/surf clothes. My “fresh from the prep farm” look didn’t win me any new friends.4.I could not live with out my....Family- including the fuzziest member. Without them, life has no anchor. I feel at home wherever my cat is and I feel like I have a real connection to my core when I’m with my family.5.I could live without...So much screen time. My job involves being constantly connected and updated on various websites and I’d love to find a way to break that habit- especially the part that makes me feel like I want to be that connected.Pick a photo or décor objet, or piece of clothing that defines your style:Black skinny jeans. I live 90% of my life in them. Simple, basic, neutral. I like my clothing to be as simple and uniform-like as possible. It makes the rest of my chaotic day feel more manageable.
Thanks so much,