A drive by Lee Kleinhelter’s popular interior’s boutique in Atlanta’s chic West Buckhead neighborhood is designed to turn heads. Much like her celebrated online storefront, the juxtaposition of color and white space, playful patterns and sophisticated vintage lines present vignettes so original, design moguls and an A-list celebrity clientele, find them a worthy diversion. It's one of my favorite places to shop and get inspiration!Founded in 2004,
Pieces brought to the area a forward-thinking aesthetic—Hampton’s low-key luxury with a mid-century Palm Beach punch— and a sustainable approach to achieving it. Lee revives well-crafted vintage furniture with contemporary textiles and reimagines one-of-a-kind finds to give them new function. The continually changing selection and Lee’s eye for the unexpected has earned a reputation as stylemaker-to-watch by the top design and fashion magazines in the country. At ease in the pages of Elle Décor as she is behind her Twitter handle, Lee continues to blur the boundaries of her brand’s vision and voice.WHO WOULD YOU WANT TO PLAY YOU IN A MOVIE?Kind of in love with Reese Witherspoon, so that would be AH-mazing! Maybe because she isn't very tall and I'm clearly vertically challenged;)I WISH I COULD....Have more patience! Just installed a project last week and trust me, everything would have moved at a quicker speed if I had the patience to learn how to fix things and knew how to use power tools correctly! No patience + already having a handy husband that can build/fix anything = never had to do it. Also, patience to cook everything from scratch and think that's fun. As well as patience to wrap presents w/ out puffy corners. However, there are some positives with having no patience, we get stuff done!MY FIRST STYLE MEMORY...Driving around our neighborhood in Greensboro, NC looking at old architecture as a child. My mom would talk about a local designer Otto Zenke who had moved from NYC and design really impacted the neighborhood. I learned early on the appreciation of really beautiful old architecture and design.I COULD NOT LIVE W/ OUT MY....Politically correct answer: family, fab employees, iPhone &... Not politically correct: To Do Lists (I love checking things off and any sort of organizational tools), Starbucks (totally get pleasure out of the daily soy latte), LG Washer (don't like anything in the hamper and have anxiety when I'm behind), Dyson (OCD and leave house clean as if a photo shoot is going to happen while we're at work). Yes, I'm I admit to being totally anal and don't want to live with myself either after reading this;)I COULD LIVE WITHOUT...I know this is going to be unpopular... but, Sports! My world would not be affected at all if ESPN didn't exist. Of course, not caring about sports at all means our 3 year old LOVES them;)PHOTO OF ITEM THAT DEFINES MY STYLE...A recent project entailed the transition of a little girls room into a hip, contemporary teen room. The unexpected details of wallpaper on the ceiling and a side table that lights up is what Pieces is all about.