Galletti Mushroom Risotto Recipe

IMG_4787This weekend I made my mushroom risotto recipe (from my book Picture Perfect Parties) for the boys after we returned from our morning wander, exploring abandoned stone houses for sale and borgos in the surrounding area. Forrest had gotten a huge bunch of freshly picked Galletti mushrooms (this is what I love about Italian country life, the unexpected treasures from the neighbors).IMG_4790These gorgeous Tuscan orche colored mushrooms called Galletti were picked from the forest behind theBorgo that Forrest lives in. (you can substitute dried ones for the recipe below)IMG_4793We had a delightful lunch on the terrace, with a little mixed salad and white wine, followed by the mandatory siesta afterword. Sounds like a nice day, right? It was!

Galletti Mushroom RisottoServes 8 as an entree, 10 as a side dish
You will need:- 4 cups cleaned and sliced Galletti Mushrooms (or 2 cups dried, soak the mushrooms in 2 cups warm water for an hour, remove reconstituted mushrooms reserve the soaking water for the risotto)- 1 small sweet onion chopped in a fine dice- 2 tablespoons unsalted butter- 3 tablespoons olive oil + 1 tablespoon for the mushrooms- 2 cups Arborio Rice (Italian rice available at specialty stores)- 3-4 cups warm chicken or vegetable stock- 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese grated- 1 tablespoon butter to finish- 1 tablespoon fresh chopped parsley for garnish- 1/2 teaspoon of salt and pepperPreparation:Place stock in a medium sauce pan on low heat.In a small frying pan place 1 tablespoon oil and the mushrooms on medium heat and saute until mushrooms become light brown and without liquid. Set aside until ready to add to the risotto.In a large skillet on medium heat, place butter, oil and onion in pan and saute for 3 minutes until transparent, then add the rice to the oil and onion, stir until the rice is completely coated and continue to saute and stir for 5 minutes. Slowly, with a ladle, add the warm stock to the rice, stirring constantly until all the stock in incorporated and the rice is creamy (about 30-40 minutes). Add the mushrooms and 1 tablespoon butter as well as the parmesan cheese, salt and pepper. Stir until incorporated.*Note if you are using dried mushrooms, add the mushroom water to the stock, adjusting so the amount of liquid is 3-4 cups. 2 cups mushroom water to 1-2 cups stock.Place in a serving bowl, garnish with parsley, serve immediately.


Lunigiana, a weekend in Tuscany


House hunting in Italy part three