It's officially grilling season, and with Fourth of July this weekend, why not take your grilling to a new level and try your hand at grilled Branzino?Branzino is flaky and subtle, and it takes on flavors quite well. I love to smoke it with rosemary from our garden. The results are a buttery smokey flavor with a soft and melt in your mouth texture. It's a great summer recipe and the flavors could be translated to other fish types as well. Let me know if you give it a try!

Smoked Branzino

Serves 4

You will need:

- 3  whole cleaned Branzino about 2 lbs- 3 lemons

- 2 tablespoons fresh thyme

- 1 large bunch of fresh rosemary on the stems

- 2 tablespoons fresh rosemary chopped coarsely

- 1 tablespoon salt

- 3 tablespoons olive oil

To prepare:

Have your fishmonger gut and clean the fish. Rinse under cold water, pat dry and set aside.In a glass dish place fish and coat with thyme, rosemary, salt and oil, squeeze 1 lemon over the fish and massage into the fish. Place in the fridge for 1 hour.Start the fire, after coals are white, (about 1 hour) pull the fish from the fridge place on the grill, place the large bunch of rosemary next to the fish and close the lid of the grill. Smoke should start forming, do not open the grill for 5 minutes. This will ensure the smoky flavor permeates the fish.After 5 minutes, gently turn the fish to cook the other side. Add more rosemary if the rosemary has burned. Cook for 10 minutes uncovered. Watching to make sure the fish doesn't burn.Remove and garnish with lemon slices and serve warm.


4th of July Cocktail:: American Shakerato


The Negroni Sbagliato