Holiday Party Punch

Hi Everyone! It's Nicole, Annette's web manager and friend, and I am back today with a little treat for you from the archives: festive holiday party punch.
Here's the thing: I found out less than a week ago that we are hosting my husband's family for Christmas this year. Oh, and I'm hosting my family on Christmas Eve. Unfortunately, because of various conflicts, everyone can't be together at one shindig, so this is the best we can do. Needless to say, my stress meter is a pinch off the charts.
One thing I know I can do to make life easier is to make a batch cocktail, aka, punch. Annette has always stressed the importance of enjoying the party as the hostess, too. That's part of the fun, right? I plan to make a holiday punch, put everything out on a table, and let guests serve themselves. I might even leave the liquor out, so the kids can get involved, and so the adults can select their libation of choice. Here's one of Annette's fabulous holiday party punch recipes. Enjoy!
Holiday Punch
Serves 16
You will need:
– 6 cups Pomegranate Juice
– 1 cup Lime Juice
– 1 cup Orange Juice
– 1 cup Honey syrup
– 1 cup fresh cranberries
– 2 ice cube trays
Honey Syrup:
1 cup water and 1 cup honey boiled and reduced about 10 minutes
Cranberry Ice Cubes:
Fill trays with pomegranate juice and cranberries. As the juice melts, it will only make the cocktail merrier!
Mix all ingredients together in a large serving bowl or pitcher. Ladle punch into ice-filled glass.
Garnish with clove stuffed orange slices (or simply with rosemary sprig; the punch’s red color is
gorgeous with this “evergreen” garnish). Serve with cranberry ice cubes.