{home styling lesson four} you now know what a vignette is, now how to create them

whenever i enter a home to style it for a photo shoot the first thing i do is assess their stuff. i walk around the house and do a mental inventory of what a home owner collects {we all collect something} as i work on the room that is to be photographed i pull the items sometimes from all over the house to create a vignette of the home owner's collection. You can use the same technique to create beautiful vignettes on surfaces in your home. you probably have lots of objects all over the house that actually work together most people buy things that organically work together esthetically. this is the most efficient way to edit your stuff, if it does not fit into a vignette naturally, it probably can be tossed or if it's a keep sake put into a drawer for safe keeping.{remember you don't have to put everything out on display!}
easy peasy just pull everything that relates and start compiling a lovely display, in the foyer or on a shelf.
be creative and once again i stress to be a student of your favorite magazines, recreate something that your favorite stylist has created in a home you admire, steal the style , that's what it's there for {and secretly i hope you're stealing ideas from me}
you can add to your collections by buying something that i have picked out for you on my curated collection from fantastic flash sale site {The Foundary}, my awesome home accessories picks hit the worldwide web :) mid april. stay tuned for updates! i am so excited about the items i curated for this event, can't wait to hear what you think! in the meantime collect and edit your stuff....it will give you a better idea of what you need to add once my collection of beautiful accessories hits The Foundary

photos: via BHG, Lonny, Rue Magazines & Pinterest


{home styling lesson five} photo~ready


{home styling lesson three}