Natalie my assistant loading the car for an upcoming shoot |
Natalie my assistant, helps Rob Brinson, our photographer. |
okay you guys~ I get at least 3 to 5 emails a day about how to become a stylist...here is the answer...ready?
I have no idea.
Natalie my assistant with me and a car full of props |
I think that like most things in life it all begins with passion. Every one's road is unique. Mine was no different. I started by going to school and thought I would work in a museum as a curator, installing fine art for the rest of my life. But my first real job in school was working as a window dresser part-time to pay my tuition. I loved all the people I worked with, quirky, funny and creative. I found that putting together windows and displays gave me great satisfaction and this is how I started my journey towards a career as a photo-stylist.
For many years I worked in windows with heat, cold and an assortment of misfits and style gurus. I learned lots about composition , lighting and showcasing merchandise for large dept stores in NYC.
When I moved to the south to continue my career, I was approached by a friend's husband, a prominent
photographer , he asked if I would be interested in styling for him on shoots. I had no idea what that was? I observed a shoot, and met my first art director, Penny who would not only be my mentor , but become a friend as well. The photographer, Bernard, was patient and hung in there while I learned a craft that was as foreign to me as sport fishing. It took many years before I felt comfortable with what the cameras eye was seeing.
Needless to say I learned something new from every job I took on and every stylist I assisted.
I got into styling by having faith in my creative path. I think that education is important, but in the end passion will serve you well.
So for all you wanna be stylists out there, I encourage you to find a mentor, work hard and put one creative step in front of the other, and someday you will find your stylist career in full bloom.
There is no secret, becoming a stylist takes hard work, passion, commitment, and most important lots of time to learn the craft.
And here's the really exciting news, I am about to sign a contract and embark on a new TV show about me, a stylist's adventures...so everyone out there that has emailed, stopped me in the street,or asked me via my blog,"How to become a stylist?" you are about to see how it's really done...stay tuned.