Staring at rows of bookshelves can be daunting which I'm sure is why people are always asking me questions about styling them. Where do you put the books? Where do you put the knickknacks? How much is too much? How little is too little? Do you layer items? Organize by height? By color? A few years ago, I teamed up with
Ballard Designs to break it down to
7 golden rules, and that interview still holds true today.

You can head over there for the full story, but if you just want the quick and dirty details, here are the 7 Golden Rules of Bookshelf Styling:
- Think about storage: a bookshelf is an awesome place to disguise items that you might need to store. Use cute, function baskets to add texture and function.
- Incorporate artwork: layer artwork to add depth and create interest. Small art that you pick-up from markets, travels, and antique stores are perfect.
- Stack books: create vignettes by using books with bindings in similar colors and styles. Stack them horizontally for some unexpected height.
- Add collections: bookshelves are the perfect place to showcase any collections you might have. Think an arrangement of fun jars or a bowl of seashells.
- Use repetition: odd numbers are you friend. Organize like items in a row (3, 5, or 7) to bring a shelf together.
- Think creatively: tear off book covers from flea market books and bind them together with twine for texture.
- Don't forget pops of color: throw in a few colorful items that complement the other colors in the room.