You might have noticed in the recent blueberry pie post a certain yummy dollop on top: lavender ice cream. This recipe is from my first book, Picture Perfect Parties, and is absolutely divine.

If you haven't cooked with lavender, it's actually such a fun addition to many dishes.  Be sure to use culinary lavender for this recipe which can be found any number of places. Keep in mind that you get what you pay for, so spending a pinch more on a high-quality ingredient would be a good idea here.

I know you'll love the floral notes paired with the blueberry pie. It's truly a delightful and delicious flavor marriage!

 Lavender Ice Cream

You will need:

- 3 cups heavy cream

- 1 cup whole milk

- 2 tablespoons dried lavender

- 6 eggs + 2 yolks- ½ cup sugar

-¼ tsp salt- ¼ cup honey

- 1 teaspoon vanilla

To prepare:

Simmer cream, milk and lavender in a saucepan until milk is scalded about 10 minutes.Remove from heat pour into a bowl and let lavender steep for 30 minutes.Strain cooled lavender milk mixture back into the saucepan and bring back up to heat. In a bowl whisk egg and sugar, salt and vanilla until creamy. Pull the hot milk off heat and pour about ¼ cup of the hot milk mixture into the egg mixture, whisking while pouring.Pour warmed egg mixture into the sauce pan with hot milk and put back on heat (medium) simmer until custard is formed and coats the back of a metal spoon about 10-15 minutes.Whisk in honey and place into fridge chill until very cold.Put into an ice cream maker follow manufacturers instruction.Place ice cream into low pan with plastic wrap on the bottom. Freeze until ready to serve.Photo Credit : Deborah Whitlaw Llewellyn


Summer Tomato Pie


How our Artist in Residence inspired everyone at La Fortezza