Inspiration Monday {Drakothea Villa} Mykonos

One of my biggest inspirations is my friend Adonis (you may remember him from this post). He's an artist and a builder in Mykonos, Greece. He and his partner Jerry Gardner DDS (from Atlanta) constructed their dream home on the most heavenly piece of property on the island! Frank and I try to visit them every year. Adonis is simply put... a genius! Today I would like to share their home {the good news is that they share it with people, by renting the property} Drakothea faces a gorgeous island and the views are breathtaking. Here's a peek...
thanks for all the good times Adonis and Jerry and thanks for sharing your piece of heaven with us so graciously..xx 


For Your Style I'd Walk a Mile with Karen Mooney


For Your Style I'd Walk a Mile with Chip Wade