Inspiration Monday~Gardens that are Inspiring my Today Show Segment

I admit it I am obsessed with terrariums and indoor gardens lately. I have never loved plants indoors, but of late I have been seeing the most amazing indoor gardens, where? Well, everywhere from my wholesale florist to the west elm catalog. As you know I love flower arranging and all I can surmise is that I am mesmerized with these little pieces of living art because it is an other way to express perfect composition in a contained area a glass vessel, wooden container, or ordinary mason jar.
I hope you will join me on February 27th on The Today Show, where I will show you what I have been working on. These unique indoor gardens will have you inspired to try it yourself and bring a little green into your dreary February and March. I will be on in the 9:00 hour probably around 9:45 a.m. watch for my live tweets. I hope I am on with Savannah, I just adore her. xxtop photo/ bottom photos


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