FullSizeRender 2 Well I have lived in our place for 2 months. Time for a house update.We are still waiting for our residency cards, they are, as they say, "in process." Well I have lived in our place for 2 months. Time for a house update! We are still waiting for our residency cards, they are, as they say, "in process."In the meantime, I am getting used to country life. Our renovation is slowing down in the dog days of summer, and the truth is, I a need a break from the constant banging, drilling and sawing, not to mention the bulldozer which Italian men love to work with. These guys love a bulldozer; they use it for digging, lifting and moving earth. But mostly they like the macho-ness of it all.I am starting to see the fruits of the garden grow; we enjoyed eggplant and basil on our pizza the other night. It's so satisfying to be eating out of the garden.Well I have lived in our place for 2 months. Time for a house update! We are still waiting for our residency cards, they are, as they say, "in process." Well I have lived in our place for 2 months. Time for a house update! We are still waiting for our residency cards, they are, as they say, "in process." Well I have lived in our place for 2 months. Time for a house update! We are still waiting for our residency cards, they are, as they say, "in process." The main house is comfortable, and the kitchen works like a dream. I have been cooking like crazy. So the country life, the house and the studio are all working like a charm.We feel like we have breathed life into this ancient fortress; the thick walls are welcoming and protective. When there are not a million construction workers on site, like on the weekends, it's really quiet and still.Well I have lived in our place for 2 months. Time for a house update! We are still waiting for our residency cards, they are, as they say, "in process." Well I have lived in our place for 2 months. Time for a house update! We are still waiting for our residency cards, they are, as they say, "in process."In Italy they say the house finds you, and I truly believe it. I feel quite at home. A sense of calm has washed over me.We still have a ways to go, but just having this space in the countryside makes me enormously happy. Oh and Vivi likes it too.I hope you will join us for a retreat someday, so we can show you around the Fortress in person.xx Annette


chestnut honey, mountain views, secrets things and places, and other sweet things about living in the Italian countryside


4th of July Recipe Round Up