OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERACiao from the Riviera! I can finally catch my breath; sorry to keep you hanging. It's been a wild wild week. We arrived and hit the ground running prepping for our Italian Styling and Photography Workshop. Propping, prepping, and last minute details keep us running until the official first Apero with our group of amazing students.We all met up at the Nice, France Airport, picked up one student from the train station, and rounded out the group by meeting Giulia our chef on Saturday morning.As always, we gathered at dinner for introductions and lesson plans. One of the additions to the workshop this year is that we added a social media component to the workshop talks, a lecture by highly successful blogger and author Anne Sage. Anne was a wonderful counter point to our creative workshop and shared all of her expertise with our group. Anne is an accomplished photographer, and joined the group in all the styling photography exercises and lessons along the way.Day 1: We wandered around town and talked about lifestyle shooting. Deborah took everyone to the pier where the lighting was just perfect on our early morning wander and first photography session.  Deborah shared tips and tricks for shooting on the fly. We sampled the local specialties, focaccia, and chocolate kisses called "baci di Alassio."  And of course we managed to fit a little light shopping in as well.After a stroll while photographing all sorts of lifestyle and food images, we headed to a Basil Farm to photograph the most magical place, a 14th century castle surrounded by fragrant basil fields and fruit gardens. We enjoyed lunch in the shaded portico of the castle prepared by a local private chef and drank a few glasses of the farms home grown Rose wine.Needless to say it was a perfect day.More to come in the next days about our amazing Italian Riviera Styling and Photography Workshop. Stay tuned and have a great weekend.Ciao tutti! xxPhoto Credit : Me


#italianrivieraworkshop recipe - Almond biscuits from Prato


Cocktail of the Week :: Backyard Bramble