Its' January...It's Juice...It's Juice January

Every year I love to share the 21 day juice semi-cleanse I do in January. The reason I call it a "semi-cleanse" is because I actually eat a little while juicing. I don't like the idea of just drinking juice and not chewing + its the best way to get some protein into your fast with using the powdered version which I am not a fan of. In our house it's come to be known as "Juice January".I dust off the Breville Juicer and harvest my kale from the garden, visit the farmers market to stock up on carrots, celery, ginger, beets, cucumbers and apples, pears and herbs like parsley and cilantro. I load my refrigerator with freshly juiced concoctions. I become the mad scientist of juice all of January. This year I will I will share recipes and my meal suggestions.Here's how it you get started.Start on January 1st. end on the 21st. Drink plenty of water along with the juice.* and No Alcohol for 21 days.{yep that's right no drinkies and you know that's a killer for me}Daily RegimeBreakfast- Drink tea of coffee limit 1 cup. * you may eat 1 cup plain yogurt + 1/2 cup cereal or 1 egg scrambled.1 8 oz. glass of water.*Make your juice right after breakfast! *You only need to make your juice once per day. Note* I have to-go cups so I can transport my juice if I am working on location.10:00 a.m. Snack 2 cups Juice12:00 p.m. Lunch- 2 cups Juice2:00 p.m. Mid day snack 2 cups JuiceDinner- 5:30- 6:30 mixed salad, and 1 cup serving of protein chicken, lean beef or fish, saute fresh vegetables with 2 teaspoons olive oil.I also love soup as a dinner option and I wil be posting yummy healthy recipes along the way + some of my favorite juice combo recipes.I like having some protein for breakfast and for dinner as well.I have found this is a pleasant way to pass the 21 days without starving.This is a 21 day regime that I do, please be advised that you should be in good health to try this Juice semi-fastI will say that the first week is hard, the second week is much easier so hang in there, and by week 3 it's enjoyable.To grow Kale, you can just pop a kale plants into a few pots. I have a garden and kale has a substantial presence since it's one of my favorite vegetables.Let me know how it goes and any comments you might have about the recipes.Would love to hear what you do for your January Juice regime.Happy Juicing, I look forward to hearing from you!Basic Juice Recipe:Kale and Apple Ginger Juiceyields about 6-8 cups {depending on the apples}2 large bunches of kale, {about 6-8 cups chopped}4 apples with the peel2 inch piece of ginger1 cup of parsleyPlace everything through through the tube of your juicer place in a glass pitcher and place into the refrigerator. I drink it all in one day. * Note it's only good for one day. Toss and start again with fresh fruits + veggies each day.I continue to do my exercise regime you should be working out as well. You will be amazed at the energy level you have!Follow me on twitter @AJstylist for updates and tips. and remember to hashtag #happyjuicingbeautiful juice photo from ravishing raw


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