As you know from my last post, I am in love with the little right down the road from us town, Sarzana, Italy, and Melissa's Tearoom and Cakes is a gem.FullSizeRender 3Ciao! As you know from my last post, I am in love with the little town right down the road from us town, Sarzana, Italy.  My sweet friend from Berlin, Heike, told me that I needed to check out this cute tearoom, Melissa's Tearoom and Cakes, while I was there, and mostly I needed to follow her on Instagram, as she was a German sweets sensation. As I have said before, Sarzana is a treasure trove of hip and yummy places.Melissa's Tearoom and Cakes is on the main drag, and you cannot miss it. It's the store front with the charming, super cozy hunter green facade, sparkly crystal lighting, and pistachio colored cafe tables and chairs in front. Inside the deep rich hunter green walls set off the glittery silver teapots on the back wall and draw you right in. Cake stands hold several freshly baked cakes, and cupcakes are displayed like delicious jewels in a vintage glass case. In Italy, there has been a invasion of cupcakes which to me is a revelation since Italians tend to like drier, less sweet pastries and proudly defend their territory as far as pasticcerias are concerned. But I like the fact that Italians are widening their horizons. Check out Melissa's facebook page, and definitely follow her on Instagram as her feed is pretty yummy.Don't worry, there are still plenty of fantastic pasticcerias in Sarzana to choose from, but I love Melissa's balls to the walls concept of tea and cakes in a espresso and biscotti driven market.If you're in the hood, stop by for a visual treat. Of course, it's a treat for your mouth, too. Like I've said before, go off the beaten path and explore outside your comfort zone. You never know what you'll find...maybe even a cupcake! xx


My secret mega obsession in Italy


Sarzana Antique Fair