memorial day weekend! enjoy the outdoors

I have recently become a lifestyle contributor for, it's been a ton of fun writing for them about entertaining outdoors. All summer I will be posting great tips for living outside and loving it. Here's the first of many , have a great weekend be safe and enjoy the outdoors.

My family and friends spend a lot of time in my garden and on my patio, so I like those spaces to feel like an extension of my living and dining rooms. The way I achieve this is by arranging furniture in ways that encourage relaxation and/or conversation. I love a big dining table with a mix of chairs – if they’re under a grapevine-covered arbor, even better! I also have several cool Adirondack chairs surrounding a fire pit so people can kick back and linger any time of year. I especially like taking it outside to make s’mores after a very formal dinner … to shake things up a bit!adirondackchairfirepitgardenphotograph
Fire and Ice S’mores
  • Vanilla marshmallows from Cacao,
  • Love Bar – deep, rich dark chocolate from Cacao,
  • Healthy graham crackers – available at specialty markets like Whole Foods
  • Vanilla ice cream
  • Sea salt
  • High-quality olive oil
Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 3 vanilla beans – split lengthwise
  • 2 large eggs

Combine cream, milk, sugar, and salt in a heavy saucepan. With the tip of a knife, scrape seeds from vanilla beans into cream mixture, then drop in pods. Heat cream mixture just to a boil. Whisk eggs in a large bowl, then add hot cream mixture in a slow stream, while whisking. Pour mixture into saucepan and cook over moderately low heat, stirring constantly, until slightly thickened and registers 170°F on thermometer (do not let boil). Pour custard through a fine-mesh sieve into a clean metal bowl, then cool, stirring occasionally. Chill, covered, until cold, at least 3 hours. Freeze custard in an ice cream maker. Transfer to an airtight container and put in freezer.

To Prepare Servings:

Have guests assemble their S’mores outside by the fire. In the meantime prepare individual bowls or glasses with a scoop of vanilla ice cream drizzled with a teaspoon on Olive Oil and sprinkled with sea salt, have guests grab a bowl and dip their S’more into the ice cream. *Cooks’ notes: ·To cool custard quickly after straining, set bowl in a larger bowl of ice and cold water and stir until chilled. ·Custard can be chilled up to 24 hours.


Maryam Montague's Cocktail of the Week


David Tutera's Cocktail of the Week