Did I mention I LOVE styling chocolate?

2015-02-03_13-15-22Cacao AtlantaFull disclosure: I am obsessed with chocolate. Addicted is more like it. A day without chocolate? Well there is no such thing (well except of course Juice January). I recently I had the opportunity to work with one of the nations most revered chocolate artisans located right here in Atlanta: Cacao Atlanta. Styling chocolate, as you can image, is heavenly work. Imagine working in a place that is heavy with the rich, dark aromas of the most exquisite chocolate. Did I mention that they make caramel as well?? We spent the day photographing chocolate in various states from the molten hot cacao to the truffles, bon-bons, and swirly sweet satisfying caramel that they make all in house in their spotless factory on the Westside of Atlanta.It was a great month: first a gig with wine and then a job with chocolate; I'm a lucky girl!photography by : Deborah Whitlaw Liewelleyn


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