It's hard to believe that earlier this week, I wrapped-up an incredible summer in Italy. My first at La Fortezza, it was unforgettable in so many ways.September was nearly as busy as the rest of the summer, but I found a little more time for relaxing with friends and visitors while exploring the region on my own or with Frank. I arrived back in the States on Monday and have been recovering from jet lag which is a very very real thing.In the spirit of reminiscing, I wanted to look back at my photos throughout September. For those of you who follow along, this will be a trip through September's memory lane. For those of you who don't, enjoy these photos from my last summer month in Italy.We've got some exciting things up our sleeves for October...including opening next summer's workshops. Join my mailing list to get first dibs. In the meantime, a few inspirational photos to get you in the mood to come along.Just another magic Monday.Gorgeous birthday bouquet thanks to my rose garden and Forrest Spears for the sunflowers. Today was a good day! This is the first harvest since we've owned the house. I'm so excited!Next to last weekend here. Fall is definitely making an appearance, too. What an incredible indescribable summer it has been!Did I mention that I'm having a love affair with bistecca? Full disclosure: we always have it for our farewell dinner for our workshops...well because I love it, and it's Tuscany after all...and of course it goes great with our red wine!Parma is pretty! I've spent so much time in Parma this year! It's my new city in our new location. As I count down to summer's end, I will be reminiscing about the summer here...Afternoon light...I'm really going to miss this place. 


Pumpkin cake, new 2018 workshops, & more: it's the top 4


Announcing Summer 2018 Workshop Roster