Ciao all! As I head back to the states, I wanted to reflect on some of the unexpected perks and a few little challenges with my private workshop sessions this year. I came up with the idea of "private styling/branding workshops" when I kept being approached by people that were not interested in a group workshop. Most of the time these were professional folks that were on the crossroads of career paths, or simply wanting to improve their brand and/or styling of photography. People wanting a one on one experience with me - alone - as a moment to pick my brain, be inspired or just chat about their creative path. I would serve as an open ear and mind to help sort out where ever they were on their journey.I must admit, I was a little taken a back by the overwhelming requests. I get it. Going somewhere to think things through with someone willing to listen, help and discuss seems like a great retreat.So I posted two private workshops last year, and they were immediately grabbed up. So quickly that I had someone talk me into opening up another date for them. Of course I did.Privates are funny because you're never really sure if your students will walk away with enough information and guidance to nourish their career and personal goals. Well at least that is what I thought going in...To my surprise, the privates were not only productive, creatively fulfilling and fun, but I was able to personally delve into why I am where I am, and what made me walk down this crazy path in the first place. I found out that I am indeed fearless, analytical, and even empathetic (which was something I never regarded myself as to be honest.) I always considered myself a hard ass, but truth be told, I have a very compassionate side that was ultimately explored as I discussed my life through styling photography, art, food, family and my life's work with my private students.Full disclosure, my first student this summer, realized early on in the context of the workshop, that a career in styling had passed her by. Having had a full career unrelated to creativity per-se, she wanted to switch to a prop styling career, only to come to the conclusion that it probably was not the perfect fit. She realized through the styling exercises that styling was not natural or fun. She realized it was harder than it looked. She was frustrated and felt defeated before she began. Sometimes these self realizations result in an outcome that was not expected. While she felt a bit unresolved leaving, I told her these experiences are sometimes retrospective, and we were both old enough to know that this was true. I felt fulfilled that we had talked, and that I had challenged her to think about all her other creative options. I loved the experience and felt happy that she had the opportunity to explore her options in a safe place.My second private was a young woman from a remote part of the world. She had such an interesting story, and she was so ready to explore styling. She came from a similar background of store displays, so we could relate composition wise immediately. She was curious, wise, patient and most of all, showed amazing potential and talent. So we hit the ground running. She took to styling for the camera like a duck to water. We moved quickly though all the styling exercises. She was selective at flea markets and understood the importance of the hunt. All in all she was a natural. I can't wait to see what she does with her knowledge. She is on a journey that will take her where ever she wants to go. It was so satisfying to be a part of the education process of such a smart and spirited woman. It was a great honor if I am totally honest.As I await my 3rd and final private workshop this year, I am inspired to inspire others to live their best creative life. I can't wait.So as you can see, the private workshops are as much of an exciting journey for me as they are for my students.My mission in this moment is to mentor and teach as many creatives as possible. After all, what is a life's work without sharing all this knowledge and inspiring the next generation of inspiration? To know that I am a part of that is a humbling thought indeed. xLook for more private styling and branding the business of styling workshops posting next month on the workshop site, Grab your spot for a life-altering, uplifting experience. Find your creative cred, styling : Rachel Ritchie (one of my private workshop students)


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Comfort Food:: Fancy Fall Grilled Cheese