As you know, one of the most exciting renovation projects of my life is on the books this year: our country compound/workshop location in Italy. Eventually this location will be ideal for my style + photography workshops along with varied retreats that will include artistic, spiritual, and life-changing programs with amazing speakers, teachers, and trail blazers from all over the world.Since buying the Medieval fortress in Italy, I have been compiling all the inspiration that I have been collecting over the years for this epic design project. But first things with all projects like this, the nuts and bolts (aka. the un-sexy projects) must be completed first. I will be posting renovation updates as we go along. To date, here's what we've scheduled for the fall and winter.

  1. New roof on the Studio Barn

  2. New walkways all around the house.

  3. New paver stones on the parking pad - I found the most amazing antique stones.

  4. New roof on the out building and the addition of a car port off the outbuilding.

  5. New Kitchen, guest bath, and Master Bedroom and Master Bathroom, in our living quarters.

In Italy, one must hire a "Geometra." This is an engineer that acts as a project manager, and the liaison to the city permitting board. Our man on the ground is Marco, and you will be hearing all about him as we move along on this project.Forrest Spears, my BFF, or as I like to call him my "Gubby" (gay husband), will be working with me designing all the spaces and overseeing the entire project. He and I worked on our flat on the Italian Riviera 12 years ago, and we are thrilled to be working together again on this amazing project. He's super talented and experienced as he has renovated 3 historical houses in the Italian countryside, in an ancient village, called a borgo. A borgo is a village at the base of a castle, in medieval times, all the people that worked around and in the castle lived in a borgo. It's a stacked village with endless steps and clustered stone homes. You can see his home here.Forrest is part of the workshop team and arranges all the excursions and travel for our attendees. He's a man that wears many hats and wears them well. He's my man on the ground in Italy, and I am lucky to have him.Follow along; I will try to post here every month as we progress. Note: I will be posting the new Style + Photo Workshops for 2017 in Italy end of September; we will have many to choose from.Ci vediamo...Until next time xx  


Recipe:: Almond Biscotti


Stuffed Squash Blossoms