GreenSmoothie1Hi Everyone! It's Nicole, Annette's web-manager and friend, and I'm here today with an easy green smoothie sure to satiate. Let me be abundantly clear on this from the get-go: embracing green smoothies for me took a while. I couldn't get passed the idea of drinking vegetables and fruits that I typically ate muddled in a salad or individually as snacks.It wasn't until my husband and I tried Simple Green Smoothies recipes that we really started to get on board. Now, we have one almost every day. Here are a few things that we've learned:

  1. Invest in a great blender. Annette loves her Nutribullet, and I love my Ninja. No matter what blender you use, it's really important you get one that can handle the different textures of frozen fruits and veggies with ease. It will make your smoothie taste so much better.
  2. Decide which green vegetable works best for you as your base. I used to be a tried and true kale gal, but I've since shifted over to spinach. The truth is, it doesn't matter what greens you use as long as you use some. Decide what you love, no matter what the recipe says, and stick with that. Pro Tip: Use your leftover smoothie greens as salads for the week.
  3. Blend smoothies two servings at a time. Keep the second in a tightly sealed mason jar for the next day - or share it with a friend!
  4. Feel free to play. If you don't like grapefruits, use an orange instead. If you love pineapple, double up on that. If you happen to have some spare clementines around, toss those in, too. Enjoy being in the kitchen and playing with flavors. A fun smoothie is a better smoothie.

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The smoothie recipe I'm sharing today is modified from Simple Green Smoothies' Beginner's Luck. As the title indicates, it's a great first timer smoothie and a fantastic way to ease into the green smoothie lifestyle.

Rise and Shine Green Smoothieserves 2

You will need:- 2 cups spinach- 2 cups unsweetened vanilla almond milk- 1 cup frozen pineapple- 1 cup frozen mango- 2 fresh, ripe bananas, peeled- 1 fresh, ripe orange, peeled

To prepare:

Blend spinach and milk together until spinach is fully combined.

Add remaining ingredients and blend until smooth.

Pour into a cute glass and sip through an even cuter straw. Store any remaining smoothie for tomorrow!

Note: when you think it's blended, let it blend a little more. The longer this one blends, the more of the orange pith will disappear and blend into the rest of the drink.

xo, Nicole


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