September is Sagra Season
What the heck is a "sagra"? A sagra is a local festival, mostly held in villages, all over the Italian countryside. It's something that I really had no experience with since we lived in a seaside town for so many years. I vaguely knew what it was from visiting friends in the countryside, but I had never attended one. This year, as you know, we moved to the countryside, and there are sagre (sagre, plural) everywhere. Usually tied in someway to food, apples, polenta, truffles, get the picture. The village gathers in the main square (in most cases) or even a field or the streets. Since it's hosted by the village for the surrounding area, everyone turns out. Sometimes there are food trucks or food vendors, and usually there's an open fire somewhere where a local specialty is being cooked by your neighbors, or yummy things are being fried or grilled. There are lots of families and of course family activities like jumpy houses.
It's a great way to raise money for the community. Communities here are a very tight knit group. Plus everyone can come together and celebrate the season. Needless to say, it's a great place to people watch, catch-up with folks in the neighborhood, eat great food, and drink local wine. Most likely these festivals originated from old country fairs or harvest celebrations. It's easy to attend a sagra because everyone is welcome. Look for signs along the road near villages, the theme (most often food related) will be on the poster along with the dates. They are usually held on the weekends, and keep in mind these are nighttime events usually starting at about 8:00 pm.Most sagre are set up the same: you buy a food and drink ticket, and then they bring your order to your table. The way it works most often is they either give you a number for your table, or they come pick up your ticket, retrieve the order, and bring it to you. Knowing the ropes is super helpful. Next time you're in Italy and nearing a village, look for the posters. You can't go wrong or more authentic.
We are attending several this fall; I am seriously thinking this might just be my next cookbook.Sagre of Italy...xx