fullsizeoutput_6f8e fullsizeoutput_6f45fullsizeoutput_6f36Ciao Tutti! As you may have seen from the complete coverage on my instagram feed, Philip Meeker our chef, and Rachel Ritchie our guest liaison, and I headed to the region of the Piedmont, known for delicious wines like Barolo and Barbaresco. Our destination was Bra, Italy, the Slow Food capital of the world. We wanted a little R&R and lots of cheese, wine and truffles.As a girl from Wisconsin, you can imagine my pure joy. I was excited to share cheese with the team and few truffles as well. We stayed in Alba, the truffle capital of the world, so with all the food groups covered, we relaxed and treated ourselves to endless aisles of cheese, cheese talks and local makers' booths. We stayed in an Agriturismo by a local wine maker who had a few rooms to rent on the top floor. In truth, the entire foyer smelled of wine-no complaints from me. The location was great and staying at a working winery was kind of fun. fullsizeoutput_6f87We got in around 5 pm in time to do a little aperitivo, but not before stopping at my favorite truffle store, Tartufi Ponzio, to load up on Truffle potato chips. Yes, really, truffle potato chips. They are truly the crack of the potato chip family. You can't eat just one. The owner was there Gianfranco, a very energetic, and enthusiastic man, especially about truffles. He's a hoot! He's taken over the family business, and from what I can see, he has brought it into the 21st century with the utmost care.There will be a documentary coming out on truffle hunting early next year, so keep your eyes peeled for "The Hunt" and look out for Gianfranco. It will be shown for the first time at the Sundance Film Festival 2020.Gianfranco showed us all his new products, improved both inside and out. We bought a few more staples to bring back to La Fortezza to share with our guests. As I always do, I asked him where he liked to eat. He immediately told us and picked up the phone to make us a reservation for that night. All set, we said our goodbyes, and told him we hoped he would stop by after closing the store and join us for dessert. The meal was impeccable, more truffles and butter than you could imagine. Divine. GF, as we call him, stopped by for dessert and told us a few stories about truffles and hunting and his family business. All in all, he was quite amusing. Great food, great stories and a great night.2D334660-B224-4382-B6A5-157B1252522B E49AFC38-C7A7-4CE9-B406-72A1FD874B7AThe next day, we headed to see and eat more cheese than we could have imagined. The festival was huge and would take days to see. We tried cheese from all over the world, all kinds, to the point that we could not eat anymore. Our bellies were full and our feet were hurting which surely means we had an amazing day. fullsizeoutput_6f4c 35744126-FFFC-456F-9D59-DDF3DDB10B70 fullsizeoutput_6f71 fullsizeoutput_6f4e fullsizeoutput_6f34I will say, most people would say you can't have enough cheese. Oh but you can. I still cannot think about eating cheese. Vegetables? Yes. Although I never get my fill of truffles. We ate, we drank and we walked and walked all weekend. It was a great little break and mini vaca with the team, but now it's time to get back to the business of taking care of our workshop attendees. Of course, there will be cheese and there will be truffles, as we love to share.I highly recommend the slow food cheese festival! It's in one of my favorite regions in Italy. Piedmont is not to be missed. Tutto il Formaggio. (all the cheese)xx Annette


Fall is here, so soup is on!


Our First Ever La Fortezza Antiques and Merchants of Italy Shopping Retreat