Southern Living Photo Studio~for a Fall Entertaining Special Edition Photo Shoot.

Recently Natalie and I traveled 2 hours down the road to Birmingham, Alabama to the Southern Progress Campus to work in the Southern Living Magazine Studios. I always find it interesting to work in a new environment, meet and work with new people. I got to work with fantastic photographer Becky Stayner and art director Susan Dendy, who for many years worked as Creative Director of Cooking Light Magazine. As you can imagine working with these prestigious and accomplished women was quite a thrill for me.
Natalie and I got right to work unpacking all the props we brought from Atlanta for the fall cover shoot we were hired to produce and style.
We had a fantastic 2 days with the team and really enjoyed our photo shoot experience in the Southern Living Studio. One of the perks of shooting in the studio was that we were right next to the test kitchens and were able to sample all the test recipes throughout the day. We photographed a delicious pumpkin soup, which we snacked on during the day.
I look forward to the next trip, and can't wait to see which image will be selected the cover of the fall special entertaining edition of Southern Living.
The prop stash at the Southern Living Kitchen Studio+ me in the test kitchen, where yummy things were coming out of the kitchen continuously. 

                                                           Becky the photographer


Memorial Day quick recipes and decor ideas~ from the Today Show.

