why and when you need to use a tripodAs you know, my new passion is teaching people skills...skills that I use at my work everyday. About 2 years ago, I started my Style + Photo Workshops. My goal has always been to share my knowledge and the knowledge of the amazing photographers I have the privilege to work with every day.Over the years, I have learned to use a camera myself. I knew all the words they used on set. Phrases, like "bracket," "wide open," "scrim," and "bounce light." And of course, on editorial photo-shoots I am always the one to trip on the tripod. The one thing that is pretty constant with all of the photographers that I work with on cookbook or editorial shoots is that they like using a tripod. But why? Why should you use a tripod when shooting your images?Why not?! I started using a tripod, and I will admit I was hesitant as well, but it really opened a whole new world to me. So I am a convert, and this is the reason I wrote this post; I want you to be too.At my workshops a tripod is always required, even though most students are reluctant to use it. That is precisely why you should. Learning to use an every tool in the photographic shed is part of the fun.Tripods are a wonderful tool. They make photographing food, portraits, and rooms easy. Once you decide where your subject should be placed on set, having the camera stable and in a constant location can help you create the most stunningly lit and composed imagery. Having a constant so you can play with your settings is a source of confidence. If you have never used a tripod, invest in one, and make sure it's a sturdy one like this one.Let me know if you have any questions, and let me know how it goes with your tripod. For all of my photographers out there, why do you love using a tripod?Happy photographing xxPhoto Credit: Unknown


Grilled Veggie Antipasto


Style+Photo Workshop at Steve McKenzie's :: Why you should always stay a student