Tear Sheets: Details

It's all in the details. These are two rooms that I styled for Better Homes and Gardens (1./2.). I always want the rooms that I style to feel warm and welcoming without being too fussy. For this bedroom I used complimentary colors like this plum throw with the orange pillows. I love the way the pillows really make the room look cool.This dining room belongs to my friend Lauren Rubinstein (photographer extraordinaire). The elevated chalk board wall and these glass jars kept the room relaxed and easy. The formal table and chairs feel playful with the mismatched patterns of the cushions with the rug. I always love to use fresh flowers, which you can see in both photos.What are your favorite details to add to a room? Speaking of details... I cannot wait to share with you my friend's home that I had the pleasure of visiting this past week. Amazeballs!


Farmer Tom's Collins


La Cremeria del Paradiso Gelateria Artigianale With Master Gelato Chef ~ Nico Ristani