The Handsome Devil

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas! Today my adorable friend Anne Sage is sharing her favorite kind of cocktail. Anne was one of the original co-founders of Rue Magazine and I've had the pleasure of collaborating with her. She's a very clever and stylish girl. She's also the brains and beauty behind her personal blog: The City Sage which features a mix of interiors, fashion, style, and culture. Her blog was named alongside Apartment Therapy and design*sponge as one of 14 must-read blogs by Martha Stewart Living, and recently named one of 23 Instagrammers to follow by The Huffington Post (@citysage). Take it away, Anne!My secret: I'm not much for alcohol. Coffee is my one true weakness when it comes to drinking. So I asked my friend Talmadge Lowe, the cocktail master at Pharmacie LA, to create a cocktail that is based around that deep dark caffeinated elixir of the gods. He came back to me with this. It's called the The Handsome Devil, which Talmadge just happens to be. Yeah yeah, Tal, we get the hint! - Anne
The Handsome DevilRecipe Courtesy of Pharmacie LA
  • Housemade coffee syrup - 1/2 oz
  • Cognac - 1/2 oz
  • Rye - 1/2 oz
  • Sweet Vermouth - 1/2 oz
  • Chocolate Bitters - 2 dashFor Housemade Coffee Syrup:
  • one part rum
  • one part sugar
  • one part espresso beans soaked for 2 days
  • after soaking for two days add a little water heat until the sugar is dissolved then strainIt's hard to believe that this is the last Cocktail of the Week for the year. I've had so much fun with this series and tomorrow I'll will give you a sneak peek at a new series that will start next year. Thank you to Anne and everyone else who made this column such a success! XO

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