4 for AugustIt's the top 4 for August, and what a busy month it has been. I've enjoyed sharing some of my favorite Italian secrets with you this month. I recapped our final summer workshop with Sif, we discussed the best kept antiques fair secret in Italy, and I may or may not have spilled the beans on one of my guilty pleasures. I cannot believe it's almost September and that in just a few short weeks, I'll be boarding a plane back to the U.S. In the meantime, I'm going to soak up every moment I have left of my first summer at the Fortress. Stay tuned in September for some exciting content. You won't want to miss it.Here's my top 4 August:

Cooking Healthy and Local Workshop

The Testament of Testaroli

The Paper Plane Cocktail Recipe

Melissa's Tearoom and Cakes

xx Annette


A Refreshing Labor Day Frozen Cocktail Treat


My Life in Photos, August