This month's blogposts have been so much fun. In June, I've enjoyed giving you a glimpse into our life here at The Fortress as well as a peek at other towns.This month's blogposts have been so much fun. In June, I've enjoyed giving you a glimpse into our life here at The Fortress as well as a peek around other towns in the area. We've truly had a wonderful first few weeks here, and I know this is only the beginning.As we roll into July, be on the lookout for an announcement about our fall workshop. Sign-up for my mailing list to get first dibs on spots. You won't want to miss it!

Top 4 from June

The Chestnut Flour of Lunigiana

The Cheese Ladies

Ciao from Pisa

Our First Style+Photo Workshop at The Fortress

xx Annette  


4th of July Recipe Round Up


My Life in Photos, June