Screen Shot 2021-02-02 at 9.54.42 AMI couldn't go this month without telling everyone about Bill Abranowicz's new baby. Some of you already know that I adore him. He is one of the finest humans I know. Not only is he incredibly talented, but he has an enormous heart. Not only is he a fine photography instructor at La Fortezza Workshops, but he is also a social activist and uses his talents to spread his message. His latest endeavor is This Far and No Further, a book that documents the voting rights movement in America.Beautifully captured this is a book that should live on your shelf.Screen Shot 2021-02-02 at 10.19.22 AMScreen Shot 2021-02-02 at 9.56.16 AMI hope you pick up a copy and come to La Fortezza Photography Workshop with Bill in September. Spaces are going fast, and as I like to say, it's worth the flight just to hear his lecture, and this year we will make sure he talks a bit about his new book. Bring your copy, and he'll sign it for you. Congratulations Bill, it's truly an honor and great pleasure to know you. xScreen Shot 2021-02-02 at 9.56.28 AM


Traveling to Italy, my first week back


The Twisted Soul Cookbook