Winner, Winner...It's Time to Announce the Mixologist Tools Winner!

You guys have all been patient, funny (some more than others, ahem), and creative in your comments to win the fabulous mixology tools provided by our friends at The Foundary.  Before I make you wait aaaaany longer...the winner is Capella Kincheloe!!!!!! Congrats, Capella, now you have all the tools to make you a master mixologist.

It was tough deciding on a winner. Lucky for me, I had the help of tomorrow's guest contributor to Cocktail of the Week, Hugh Acheson, to help me pick the winner. Yes, you read correctly, Hugh Acheson of Bravo's Top Chef: Masters Season 3 and Top Chef: Season 9. Yes, that Hugh. You'll definitely want to tune in tomorrow to see what delicious cocktail chef Hugh Acheson has up his sleeve. Bottoms up!


Hugh Acheson's Cocktail of the Week


CBS Better Mornings: Valentine's Day Cocktails