Black Southern Belle Tastemaker Summit

When I was invited to attend the Black Southern Belle Tastemaker Summit, at America's Mart it was at a very hectic time for me, but something told me to go. I rearranged my week, made it happen, and said yes. I was excited to finally meet Michiel Perry, the founder. Michiel Perry is a South Carolina girl who love all things Southern and stylish. She became inspired to start her own lifestyle brand focused on African-American women with a Southern connection called Black Southern Belle while planning her wedding in Charleston, S.C. and decorating her first home in Maryland. Her background at Google did not hurt in helping to found a lifestyle brand. How you might ask? In Michiel's words "Google operated as a startup, and I loved the culture. Each day, I had a new task. From working on issues related to YouTube and music to planning networking events. There was never a dull day, and there was always something new to work on. I really love the energy of working on a lot of projects and Google sparked that love, which prepared me for entrepreneurship. No day is the same, EVER!"This was the first conference in Atlanta. Held in the Atlanta Merchandise Mart, there was a great line-up of speakers and subject matter to start and continue inspired conversations. Steve Mckenzie and his wife Jill ,owners of Steve Mckenzine's a gift and design boutique on the Westside, did a brilliant program on tablescapes for fall. There were talks about Christmas decor, and how to brand yourself on social media. Get the full run down on the Black Southern Belle website. The intuition to go to this summit was spot on. I met the most wonderful group of women. It was a lovely day, and it really inspired me. Thanks to Michiel for inviting me; I can't wait for the next one.I feel like I made new friends and reconnected with old friends. The message here is listen to that little voice, step outside your realm, and say yes to meeting other powerful, smart women. Plus the goodie bags were stellar. Thanks Michiel xx Photo Credit: Michelle Flowers Photography


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