Traveling in Italy in October? Start planning in September!

PiedmontIt's September, and I always get about two or three emails about traveling to Italy in the fall. Most of you will be hitting the usual suspects like Rome, Milan, Venice and Florence, and those destinations are great.Honestly, when I get questions about those cities, it's kind of a no brainer; there are so many sites and great restaurants, not to mention the internet and social media can certainly fill you in.As for me...I like the off the beaten path things; things that Italians like to do...and I like TRUFFLES. If you're not a fan of truffles or wine then stop reading this right now.If you're like me, and are a HUGE fan of truffles, red wine, red meat, cheese, pasta, olive oil, and sheep...keep reading.PiedmontLast year, I checked Truffle Festival in the Piedmont region of Italy off my bucket list. It's held in the town of Alba. The truth is that there are truffle festivals all over Italy in the fall, but this one is huge and filled with truffles, and everything truffle like potato chips and cheese. It made my head spin and made me smile from ear to ear...for hours.If you're heading to Italy this fall, I highly recommend you make the journey and eat truffles on top of fried eggs which is the traditional way it's done in the Piedmont. The whole city is perfumed with the stuff.PiedmontYou're welcome. You can read last year's original post here 


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