Elizabeth Demos is the purveyor of a full service design studio in Savannah, GA. Prior to establishing the design studio she owned a successful retail home furnishings store in Savannah’s historic district for nearly 10 years. Her discerning eye and knowledge of design naturally led her to the field of publishing. Elizabeth is known for her fresh approach to topics, production, photo styling, creative direction and crafting skills. The ease with which she delivers interesting and timely topics and projects have made her a sought after talent for both print and online media. Her editorial contributions have been featured in a variety of lifestyle and interiors publications, including Country Living, Country Home, Southern Living, Southern Living Weddings, and Better Homes & Gardens. Elizabeth’s first book
Vintage Wedding Style with San Francisco based publisher, Chronicle Books was released in December of 2012.Elizabeth has a gift for assembly and an eye for color, a fresh perspective and a keen sense of style. Her inventive skills and talents are infused with a vintage aesthetic. Her knowledge of antiques and wholesale and retail markets have put at her fingertips an endless supply of unique resources that find their way into each and every project Elizabeth produces. Take it away, Elizabeth!1.Who would you want to play you in a movie?Audrey Tautou or Juliet Binoche. Sassy hair, cute figures, high cheekbones, international appeal.2.I wish I could….Design a collection of home accessories based on the stockpile of antique and vintage home goods, textiles and miscellaneous bits and baubles I’ve collected over years. Updated and refreshed but imbued with a vintage aesthetic.3.My first style memory is…As a young girl my mother would take me with her to fabric stores and I so desperately wanted a dollhouse I would obsess over all the small printed fabrics. I distinctly remember saying “this would make really cute wallpaper or drapes in a doll house.” I never got a dollhouse, which might explain my life long affection for all miniature things and my love of interior design.4.I could not live with out my....My eyesight. It is how I absorb the world, get inspired and tweak what I see in my head. I dream in images so it would be nearly impossible to make my visions a reality without seeing it. It is also the grand reward when you spent years, months, weeks, days and hours plotting, planning and producing great images.Seeing it finished is like getting a great big trophy.5.I could live without...You don’t get anywhere in this world alone. There will always be people to thank and people to help so I could live without people that aren’t grateful and helpful. There are too many “takers” in the world already.Pick a photo or décor object, or piece of clothing that defines your style.

I feel this image demonstrates my fondness for layering and composition. I have curated assortment of old but not necessarily fancy things. I’m really keen about the color blue, mostly indigo and greenish blues. And then there is my aforementioned infatuation with vintage miniatures (tiny chair collection is out of control!). It pretty much sums me up. I like organized clutter and I’m a bit quirky.