For Your Style I'd Walk a Mile with Niki Papadopoulos

Excited to have Niki Papadopoulos here today. She's a talented Interior Designer and quite a mover and shaker. She was selected as one of Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles's 10 under 40 in January 2011. Niki  works with Mark Williams at MWDA which he started in 2007. They work with a variety of clients ranging from Luxury Residential to Educational projects. You can see more of her work here. Niki is not only a very talented designer she's a great friend to me and all of the design community! She recently became a mom to a gorgeous baby girl. She is also one of the co-founders of "Bowling for Boobs" and organizes an event for the design community for the Susan G. Komen charity. Designers are asked to dress up in costume and bowl. There's an auction and a prize awarded for best costume! It's a fantastic event held every October. Thanks for sharing Niki!1.Who would you want to play you in a movie? Anne Hathaway2.I wish I could... Fly3.My first style memory is… watching my mom put on her make-up and roll her hair.4.I could not live with out my.... Chanel Waterproof Eyeliner or Clorox Wipes5.I could live without... mobile phonePick a photo or décor objet, or piece of clothing that defines your style.
I'm inspired by this gorgeous interior shot because I feel like it's such an interesting mix of old and new, color and texture, which is really how I approach by Lauren Rubinstein


Cookbook Collection- Italian Edition


Crushing on: PINK