how's it going?

PicfxMost of you have been juicing for a week now!...YAY! 1 down and 2 to go. You're probably feeling pretty great. I know I am.To keep it going make sure you're mixing it up, drinking lots of water and getting some exercise. I find by the end of the day I am not hungry, but I am looking forward to a light meal around 6:00 pm. The body is amazing and once the GI track gets a rest, the rest of your body starts reaping the benefits.Please let me know how it's going and tell me some of your favorite combinations. It's so great not to feel like I'm doing this alone. Your feedback really gives me a thrill.Have a great day! Juice it and stay in touch! xx


Kale with Sweet Potato and Quinoa


Vegetable soup with Charmoula Recipe