Vegetable soup with Charmoula Recipe

b1cc0a339014dbd6fedabc665e61c5f6I love to make soup, especially during a juice cleanse because it's a comforting meal. This vegetable soup is very hearty. The white beans and faro make it completely satisfying while the charmoula takes it over the edge in flavor. I put charmoula* on everything. It's divine. This recipe was taken from my cookbook, Picture Perfect Parties. I know when people think of parties they tend to think of really decadent food but there are actually many healthy recipes in my book. I love entertaining with really good food and leaving my guests feeling nourished. You may have also seen this recipe featured in Better Homes and Gardens Sept 2013 issue! This is easy to make, delicious, and will satisfy your appetite while maintaining a clean diet while your juicing. It's the perfect tummy warmer.

White Bean Vegetable Faro Soup with Herby Charmoula**Serves 8
You will need:- 2 garlic cloves minced- 1/2 medium onion- 1 cup diced carrot- 1/2 cup diced celery- 1/4 cup olive oil- 1 cup diced zucchini- 1 cup diced sweet potato- 1/2 cup red peppers *optional- 2 cups chopped kale- 8 cups vegetable stock + water as needed- 1 can white beans or 1 cup soaked overnight, then rinsed- 1 cup farro- 2 tablespoons chopped rosemary- 2 tablespoons chopped parsley- salt and pepperPreparation:In a large stock pot saute garlic, onion, carrots and celery in olive oil, over medium heat until tender.Add the vegetables and saute for 2 minutes. Next add stock, beans and water if needed, salt and pepper and chopped herbs. Simmer for 3 hours and add faro for the last 30 minutes.
You will need:- 1 cup fresh Italian parsley- 1 cup fresh cilantro- 2 inch piece of ginger- 3 cloves of garlic- Juice of 1 lemon- 1 cup of oil- salt and pepper- 2 teaspoons coriander seedsPreparation:In the bowl of a food processor fitted with a steel blade, add all ingredients and pulse until it forms a loose smooth sauce, about 1 minute.Notes:*Charmoula is a great herby, spicy sauce that I use with meat and fish. This is one of my go to recipes.**Best made a day ahead, along with the Charmoula, and stored covered in the refrigerator over night.


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