Martini Royale

Meet Alessia Clusini. Alessia lives the reality of La Dolce Vita, being born in the Tuscan countryside. After visiting Australia for two years, she has now returned to Italy, running social media for a few large clients and cool hunting along the way. She knows what’s cool, and keeps an eye on sustainability and eco-friendly fashion from all over the world. Take it away, Alessia!In Italian, we say "anche l'occhio vuol la sua parte" which literally means "even the eye wants its part". Something has to be also beautiful, not just good. This is why I like the Martini Royale. Maybe it's the wine glass or the colour, it seems like it has a classy attitude.People in Sansepolcro, Tuscany, must have understood this and Matteo Tarducci, owner of Caffè delle Stanze, confirms that it's becoming quite trendy...People here in Tuscany are so spoiled by one of the largest varieties of wine, it's quite challenging for cocktails to become popular, but I think, belonging to this Medieval town, that we're spoiled for beauty, too.Therefore, when you carry out your aperitivo ritual, you want to feast your eyes, together with your tastebuds...
MARTINI ROYALE (Caffè delle Stanze, Sansepolcro)
  • ½ Martini Bianco
  • Lots of ice
  • ½ Prosecco
  • ¼ lime (juice)
  • slice of lime
  • fresh mint

    Take a tall wine glass. Fill the glass halfway with Martini Bianco. After adding A LOT of ice, fill the rest of the glass with Prosecco. Squeeze a ¼ of lime into the glass. Garnish with a slice of lime and fresh mint, after whipping the mint against your hand.
    photography by Samuel WebsterThanks so much Alessia!check out her blog | facebook | twitter

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    Tear Sheets: BHG November 2010