Menton, France | Part One

Bonjour! I am so very lucky to live very close to France. I can literally drive for 40 minutes and buy a baguette... which is exactly what I did. Menton, France is a little resort town on the border of France and Italy. It's super sweet and has the best little food market building ever (more on that later).I jumped in the car and in no time I was in Menton city center. I parked near my super secret flea market on the edge of town. Some of my friends who have visited me have in fact seen this place, although it's the holy grail of flea markets, and I keep a lid on it.Today I wanted to share some of the vistas inside this amazing and wondrous place. Although I am tempted to share it's location and it's name, I am going withhold that information. However... if you come visit, I will take you. Next year I will be holding a food/prop styling workshop here in Italy (TBA) and I will make it part of the agenda for sure. 1 day trip to Menton. If you've already been you know it's amazing and if not consider taking the workshop and I will take you myself.Here are a few photos I took while wandering around for 2 hours. It's a magical place and always makes my day! I bought a few lovely props for my next cookbook, and I know I will be going back sometime soon.Ciao a presto xx


Menton, France | part two


Lunigiana, a weekend in Tuscany