Menton, France | part two

IMG_4875IMG_4879My favorite little market building is about 40 minutes drive from Alassio in Menton, France. It's simply charming, about 50,000 square feet filled with crusty bread of all shapes and sizes, chickpea pancakes called Socca, runny cheeses made from an assortment of milk as well as fish, meat, fruits and vegetables, lemon honey and rose wine. You can even find lavender soaps and sachets. The perfect little one-stop shopping experience.IMG_4881IMG_4882IMG_4885 2IMG_4886As you can tell I love it. I will be conducting a prop/food styling photography workshop in Italy next summer and I hope you will consider it, and there will be a day trip to Menton (TBA).Menton is a magical little place, although it's a resort town, it never fails to charm me. One of the amazing things here is that the region grows lemons the size of your head and is known for lemon ice, lemon honey and limoncello. I had a lemon ice while I strolled the market and bought a few essentials to bring home.I had the perfect morning in Menton, and I will be going back before I leave this summer. It's a sunny place filled with yummy things.See more of Menton in Part 1.Ciao a presto xx


Househunting in Italy part four


Menton, France | Part One